FB4D: A Cross-Platform Open Source Firebase Library for Delphi
FB4D empowers Delphi developers to seamlessly integrate Google Firebase services into their applications built with either the cross-platform Firemonkey (FMX) or Windows (VCL) framework.
This versatile library offers comprehensive support for:
- Firebase Realtime Database: Enable real-time data synchronization and offline capabilities.
- Firestore Database: Leverage a scalable NoSQL database for application data.
- Firebase Authentication: Supports email/password, Sign-In by Google Account, and anonymous authentication methods.
- Firebase Storage: Securely store and manage user-generated content like images and videos.
- Firebase Functions: Execute server-side code without managing infrastructure.
- Gemini AI: Integrate natural language processing combined with image and document interpretation capabilities.
- Vision ML: Integrate machine learning image processing capabilities.
Built upon the Firebase REST API, the library provides both synchronous and asynchronous methods, making it ideal for GUI applications, services, and background threads. As a pure source code library with a fluent interface design, FB4D ensures clean and concise code integration for your Delphi projects.
The wiki helps with familiarization as well as product maintenance
This project provides a well-structured wiki for easy learning.
Seven cross platform example applications based on Firemonkey (Samples/FB4D Samples.groupproj) and three VCL sample applications (Samples/FB4D Samples VCL.groupproj).
A comprehensible Getting-Started on the wiki will help you to start working with the library. For more detailed questions, the interface reference will provide the answers you need.
You can also find educational videos on our YouTube channel.
The sample projects are developed and prepared for Delphi 12.2 Athens. The library requires at least Delphi 10.3 Rio Update 2.
Hint: Support from Delphi 10 Seattle to Delphi 10.2 Tokyo has been discontinued since the introduction of the Firestore Listener in March 2021. Delphi 10.3 Update 1 and earlier version are not longer supported because of an issue in the RTL.
Delphi is a registered trademark of Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
Supported Platforms
FB4D is developed in pure object pascal and can be used with Firemonkey on all supported plattforms. The library and its sample
projects are currently tested with Win64/Win32, Mac64/32, Linux64 by using FMXLinux, iOS64 and Android.
Hint to mobile platforms: The TokenJWT to perform the token verifcation requires the installation of the OpenSSL libraries.
For more information about using OpenSSL see the
installation of OpenSSL.
For authorization token verification and token content extraction this library uses the Delphi JOSE JWT library. Thank you Paolo Rossi for your great library! github.com/paolo-rossi/delphi-jose-jwt
Support FB4D: Sponsorship & Recognition
Are you using FB4D in your commercial Delphi project? Consider becoming a sponsor! Your support directly contributes to the ongoing maintenance and development of FB4D, ensuring its longevity and benefiting your application in the long run.
Sponsorship Benefits:
- Guarantee the future of FB4D and its continued support for your project.
- Access tailored support and development to meet your specific needs.
Visit our GitHub Sponsors page for more information about sponsorship tiers and benefits: github.com/sponsors/SchneiderInfosystems
Request a quote: Contact the customer support of Schneider Infosystems Corp at FB4D@schneider-infosys.ch
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Number of installation since V1.0 in GetIt.