The history of Schneider Infosystems Corp...
...began shortly before the end of the last millennium
Schneider Infosystems Swiss Corporation was founded in December 1999 by Christoph Schneider and Adrian Moos in Baar. The company develops information systems and provides software development services.

Our company location
in Baar
Since spring 2017, our office is located in the center of Baar in central Switzerland.
You can reach us
Schneider Infosystems Corp
Muehlegasse 18
CH-6340 Baar
Tel + 41 41 760 55 01
Skype schneider-infosys
Company Identification Number UID
Bank Details
Zuger Kantonalbank
CH-6301 Zug
Swift-Code: KBZGCH22
IBAN-Nummer for CHF: CH32 0078 7000 4729 3960 9
IBAN-Nummer for EUR: CH30 0078 7007 7007 9900 3
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